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Apr 18

Happy Passion week, all!  I hope everyone is taking advantage of this opportunity to observe and reflect on the death, burial, and RESURRECTION of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It occurred to me earlier today that oftentimes, our trials and experiences parallel a death, burial and resurrection season.  Just like one must understand that the death of our Lord would be followed by resurrection power, we must also understand that our trials and tribulations will culminate in overcoming victories.  In turn, our victories become our testimony.

Jesus bore the sin and shame of all humanity so that we would never have to experience the grueling agony that accompanied His being nailed to the cross.  Most importantly, however, is that by the Spirit of God, Jesus Christ rose and conquered death to represent new life.

So, I encourage you, no matter how terrible things may seem, you have an opportunity this Easter to put your situation in His nail scarred hands and let Him bring new life.